Data Recovery Protocol

Data Recovery  Protocol

General Procedure

  1. Client gets the drive for a chargeable analysis of 500 RUPEES at our office in Kandivili Lab at Mumbai.
  2. Hard Drive is examined on specific manufacturer specific tools.
  3. Faults are analysed and rectified.
  4. Rough time required for recovering data is is reported to the client.
  5. Quotation is reported to the client
  6. If approved, then we go ahead with recovery with an advance payment of 20%
  7. A backup hard disk which is fully formatted and is provided to us by the client (MAKE SURE THE DRIVE IS FORMATTED AND IS WITHOUT USEFUL DATA)
  8. Health of the backup drive is measured, if 100% then data is backed up.
  9. We keep the clients data for the next 48hrs and the client is requested to verify the backup drive data, Also call us if things are okay so that we can roll the next clients data on the same DRF drive 10.Cheque payments are accepted but backup drive and faulty drive is only dispatched to the client once the cheques are realized. 11.The backup drive should not contain data,or the data in the back up drive must be backed up by you on your systems or drives.

Cost Deciding Criterion

  • The type of fault in the hard disk
  • The type of hard disk
  • The media faults
  • The number of bad sectors
  • The firmware availability of a hard disk
  • The PCB availability of hard disk
  • The shipping costs involved to get a donor parts
  • Previous tampered PCB/ROM/Hard disk/MEDIA/PLATTER/HEAD
  • The size and type of data on the hard disks
  • The operating System which is present,the cause of deletion of files,and the time taken for recovery
  • The time and effort involved for your hard disk
  • Formatted drives, lost partitions,Raw drives involve extra charges
  • The health of the hard disk as appears on our data recovery tools
  • The charges range from 4000 upwards
  • Please note that "No data = No charges" DOES NOT APPLY at our company
  • In case of memory cards and SD Cards the charges are decided only after a analysis of the card and condition of the card
  • If the card shows size as zero bytes and asks for formatting, then charges are decided after an analysis of 15 minutes.The card has to be kept with us for 4 to 6 hours for a proper analysis if a quick analysis is unsuccessful.
  • We do recover files from phone. Presently we decide a recovery on the basis of Android version of the phone and other versions of firmware and system installed
  • We recover data from CD AND DVD after examinations and analysis.
  • Analysis charges of 1500/disk apply for Complex multiple hard disks attached to a Raid or NAS device or computers.


All unclaimed hard disk, whose clients do not turn up for collection and payments for a period of 3 months from the date of submission are charged for maintenance and protection charges .The cost of which are 200 rupees/day, maintenance charges are not waived off. We are very strict on this protocol. The hard disks and data is destroyed permanently or preserved only if the owner has given a consent to preserve it. He has to pay the maintenance charges.They are not waived off.

After 30 days from the date of submission one has to submit certain essential documents, needed by us for the procurement of the abandoned hard disk. An Affidavit of ownership of hard disk, reason for abandonment has to be produced on a rupee 1 stamp paper signed by a notary and attested by two witnesses. Any doubts on abandonment will create a loss of ownership of the hard disk. After 100 days, strictly, after the submission of documents, along with the protection and maintenance charges in rupees will be a unsigned, agreed protocol by the customer, verbally or written will be adhered to for a extended period of one month. The hard disk then becomes non returnable thereafter. Customers are advised to pick up their hard disk and data, with charges completely paid of for data recovery within the time frame specified for them.